A Great Place for People to Live and Work.


The city’s finances are a matter of public record and are published after the close of even-numbered fiscal years. Audits are published after odd-numbered fiscal years. An annual city budget is prepared for each fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th). The annual budget is adopted and available for publication just prior to the beginning of each fiscal year.

These reports are published to give the public a clear understanding of how tax money is used to improve our community and pay for essential services. If you are interested in additional financial information, it may be made available through Open Records as a request from the City Clerk.

Budgets and Audits are created to provide a summary of city finances and show how revenues are used, and if you require additional financial information, it may be available through Open Records as a request from the City Clerk or by contacting the Mayor, Andrew Scott, at mayorandrewscott@coalrunky.gov